



vwin德赢娱乐致力于支持学生的交通需求. 下面列出了交通选择. 而有些学生则是开车上下学, 每天有很多学生乘坐学区巴士去GA. The only school districts that transport students to and from GA are within 10 miles of Fort Washington.


The following school districts currently serve the transportation needs of vwin德赢娱乐 students.

Most school districts will mail 公共汽车 pickup and drop-off information to your home in mid-August. 有些人会在他们的地区网站(连结如下)张贴资料。, 有些地区需要填写单独的表格(链接如下“所需表格”)。. 如果地区仅以这种方式沟通,您也可以收到GA的电子邮件.





  • 大多数学区不接送学前班的学生,不管他们的年龄.
  • It is important to note that you MUST sign you child(ren) up with BOTH your home school district and GA in order to use school district transportation.
  • 大多数学区运送K至12年级的合格学生. Philadelphia students in Grades 7 through 12 who are registered through GA are issued Transpasses by the GA 运输 Office, 可用于隔巴士(见下文).
  • 学生 are not permitted to ride a different school district 公共汽车 (no exceptions) than their own, ie. 不允许接送孩子玩耍.
  • Blue Notes must be used in the 较低的学校 any time your child(ren) has a change in their normal transportation schedule.
  • All behavioral issues that may happen while a child is riding the school 公共汽车 will be reported to their Division Office and will be dealt with by the Division Head.

vwin德赢娱乐 is located directly across Bethlehem Pike from the Fort Washington train station. 学生 who use 隔 take the Lansdale/Doylestown (also known as the R5 line) from the suburbs and the city each day. 伯利恒派克有一条人行横道, 另外还有一条横穿莫里斯道的人行横道,方便学生安全出行. 许多学生成群结队地使用这种公共交通工具.


在校园里每时每刻都有几百辆车. 每天早上7:30到8:00之间接送孩子,这是校园里最繁忙的时间. Several members of the GA faculty and GA security staff are on-hand to assist in providing a safe environment for community members. Cars must drop their passengers off curbside along the Quad or the Middle and/or 上学校 buildings. 父母 staying past drop-off time will need to park in a visitor space which can be found in the Main Lot near the entrance to the Korman Family Pavilion (between the Middle and 上学校s), 或者在公共汽车道上.

虽然数百名学生乘公共汽车上学,但更多的人乘汽车回家. 下午有特定的取车入口, 取决于你孩子的年级水平, 大约下午2:50开始. 再一次。, several members of the GA faculty and GA security staff are on-hand to assist in the daily dismissal process. 重要的是要记住,在校园里开车时不能使用手机.


费城学区最近 不能vwin德赢娱乐的营业时间(上午8:05 -下午3点)提供巴士服务. 然而,该地区确实提供了一个 学生车票卡 1至12年级的学生在GA登记为需要交通工具. 学生乘车卡可用于搭乘隔电车, 公共汽车, 地铁和区域铁路(从销售点升级).

请联系费城学区交通部门@ 了解更多信息.